Cool Muscle
COOL MUSCLE is the integrated AC servo system that combines all functions for motion control. The use of its own program language "CML" allows for easy creation and control of motion such as PTP motion, torque control. COOL MUSCLE provides the highest system solution.
Structure of the System |
Features |
Closed Loop Vector Control
COOL MUSCLE has the proprietary magnetic encoder and the original closed-loop vector control. It realized high precision positioning. The magnetic encoder is not affected by harsh environment and the age softening.
Closed Loop
By receiving position input from the sensor the Cool Muscle know its position and can correct itself. COOL MUSCLE constantly monitors its position, eliminating any miss-steps.
Vector Drive Control
Vector Drive Control is the highly-effective Control. Unlike micro-stepping Vector Drive Control is not subject to resonance problems and produces smooth movements.

CML(Cool Muscle Language) is a programming language designed for COOL MUSCLE. Using CML can help easy programming with COOLWORKS LITE or Hyper Terminal. The programmed motion can be executed by CML commands or simple switches.
Easy to Use
Direct mode
CM2 can be directly operated by just entering the CML commands via RS-232C communication.

Program mode (Expext P type)
Programs can be downloaded to CM2 so that various motions can be executed by PC or simple switches

Multi-Axis Control
Up to 15 axes of COOL MUSCLE can be easily established by the Daisy Chain Connection. The daisy chained the Cool Muscles can tell other motors to activate program as well as receive commands from a computer or an embedded controller.

Other Functions
Easy Definable Parameter Over 40 Parameters can be easily set by PC, and it allows a wide range of solutions for your system.
Origin Search
Origin search parameter lets you select a origin search method. Origin can be determined using a hardware-stop/bumper instead of using an origin sensor. This method eliminates the need for origin sensor and wiring.
Software Limit
You can set software limits using the Cool Muscle parameters. Set limits on both CW/CCW sides to eliminate limit sensors.
For more information or to place an order +604-6446028 or use the contact page.
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